Circular design for your home.
Stunning centerpieces designed to bring warmth and seasonal charm to your space, creating a striking focal point that’s sure to capture everyone's attention.
Recyclable doesn’t always mean recycled, and we’re tired of green-washing. That’s why we created Cyrc—committed to genuine sustainability and transparency.
Conception circulaire zéro déchet
Our circular model keeps materials out of landfills and pollution. Ship your items back to us to reuse the materials, and together we’ll work towards a world without waste.
Modern craftsmanship
3D printing's flexibility allows us to base our business model on sustainability. Our made-to-order products eliminate waste and enable design and texture experimentation.
Recycled materials
Plastic’s durability is impressive, but waste is a problem we address. At Cyrc, we use only recycled materials and transform our products into new ones.